Thursday, April 5, 2001


Entering a New Era of Management-Employee Mistrust.

What do Sudbury miners and striking University staff have in common? They are both on surveillance tape taken by agents of Accu-Fax -- what many have called "union-busters.".

Accu-Fax Investigations Inc. is a private security firm specializing in "labour dispute services." Their web site states that "regardless of your labour disruption, Accu-Fax will keep you operational."

 Over 1500 striking McMaster University Staff Association (MUSA) members are currently being watched by Accu-Fax.

MUSA Vice-President Diana Parker says that while no incidents have come up between the watchers and the watched she is nevertheless troubled by the McMaster administration's choice of security firms.

"What bother's me is the University is using a company whose web site happily proclaims that it will supply replacement workers and will cheerfully engage in strikebreaking."

Parker says that the administration's choice of security along with their "unfortunate strike history" sends "a very poor signal" to MUSA employees.

The month old MUSA strike was preceded by 3 other labour disruptions on campus within the last school year.

Pickets are video-taped at the University entrances by Accu-Fax employees stationed in vans on University property.